An Augmented Reality project for the international trade fairs BAU and BATIMAT Paris
What is this project about?
The reason for the development of this augmented reality app was the launch of a new product line “RHEINZINK ART-Line.” The augmented reality app is part of the exhibition presentation within the scope of the international exhibitions #BAU in Munich and #BATIMAT in Paris. Exhibition visitors are able to view the new product line on a virtual model house with the help of the app and can also learn about the simple installation of the special zinc panels. Even after their visit to the exhibition, the app is available in the app store to every interested customer. With the click of a button, various laying patterns of this product line can be visualized. A 3d animation explains the easy installation. Furthermore, the augmented reality portion of the app is supplemented by a microsite that contains additional information about the products, property references from renowned architects as an image slideshow, information about the company and links to all product catalogues.
The app is offered internationally in German, English and French; depending on the language settings of the user on their mobile device, the app appears in the respective language (localization). Utmost attention was paid to an elegantly effective design of the user interface that goes well with the corporate design of the company. Used applications, SDKs, APIs, etc.:
#metaio SDK, #Vuforia, #Java, #ObjC, #JS, C#, #HTML5, #CSS3, #Photoshop, #3dsMax, #Dreamweaver, #Xcode, #Android Studio, #Unity3d, #Muse, #Excel
Get the app "Terwey Tech" (formerly RHEINZINK) at the app stores:
Persona, characteristics of our typical userEnd-consumers, potential purchasers in EMEA. Preparation of the project with: Excel, sketches, text and graphics, style guide or corporate design details
Design development details
3D models Since no technical drawings and also no CAD data is available, each model was modeled and texturized with the help of photos. Visuals In order to avoid sticky app performance, I worked on finding the right balance between low-res textures and an optimum visual quality on low-poly 3D models.
Test no 1
of the very first prototype
Testing of the AR ContextCard for the scanning of tracking quality, which means, high contrasts, rich textures, asymmetry.
Improvement of the tracking quality of the AR ContextCard.
#Localization of the app in German, English and French.
Per request of the customer, we once again removed half of the laying-pattern examples from the app. We adapted the UI accordingly.
Per request of the customer, we also adapted the AR app for Blackberry devices, tested it and registered it in the Amazon app store.
Furthermore, a film of the augmented reality scenes with all animations from the 3D-modelling software was rendered, edited in post-production and composed into a clip with motion-design effects.
The AR app provides a user-friendly interface and ease of operation. It includes product-relevant information as well as information on manufacturers. It counts as one of the highlights of the #exhibition stand #presentation within the scope of BAU Munich and BATIMAT Paris.
Project duration: Autumn 2013 – Summer 2019, iOS and Android, Android on Blackberry.
Get the app "Terwey Tech" (formerly RHEINZINK) at the app stores:

#ar #augmentedreality #arcard #product #visualizer #produktvisualisierung #messepräsentation #mobileapp #ios #android
material and pictures by AVK Terwey, Bernd Terwey, RHEINZINK